Research Article

Differences between Mycobacterium-Host Cell Relationships in Latent Tuberculous Infection of Mice Ex Vivo and Mycobacterial Infection of Mouse Cells In Vitro

Figure 4

The number of dead cells is expressed as a percentage of the total number of infected macrophages (Mph) in the cultures of mouse bone marrow and peritoneal macrophages following infection with the BCG vaccine in vitro and after culture for several hours. Data are expressed as the means ± SEM from three independent experiments. In each experiment, more than 1000 cells were analyzed at each time point. P < 0.05 (comparisons of the number of dead bone marrow for the following time points (in hours): 4 and 24 versus 96 and 120; dead peritoneal for the following time points (in hours): 4 versus 120).