Research Article

Dysregulation of miR-155-5p and miR-200-3p and the Anti-Non-Bilayer Phospholipid Arrangement Antibodies Favor the Development of Lupus in Three Novel Murine Lupus Models

Figure 3

qRT-PCR validation of deregulated miRNAs in the three murine lupus-like models. (a) The validation of the six deregulated miRNAs found by PCR array, together with miR-342-3p because of its importance in human lupus [13, 14], was made using specific TaqMan-directed qRT-PCR. Each miRNA expression level was normalized against endogenous RNU6 by the 2−∆∆CT method and control mice (injected with smooth liposomes). Statistical significance was determined using the Holm-Sidak method. , . Asterisks indicate statistical significance between normalized fold changes from each murine lupus-like model versus the control group. (b) miRNA validation data as a Venn representation. Arrow colors indicate miRNA statistical significance (black for significant and grey for nonsignificant), and their direction shows upregulation or downregulation (inverted).
(a) Validation data of miRNA array profiling
(b) Mice injected with liposomes bearing NPA induced by different miRNAs