Research Article

Activation of Peptidylarginine Deiminase in the Salivary Glands of Balb/c Mice Drives the Citrullination of Ro and La Ribonucleoproteins

Figure 5

PAD activity. (a) In vivo PAD activity measured based on the citrullination of proteins in cell extracts using a direct ELISA assay with tissue extracts fixed onto polystyrene plates and measuring CCP/HRP antibody, this assay shows a significant increase by TNF (). In vitro PAD2 activity under basal conditions in response to stimulation with different molecular stimulants; PADs were captured using anti-PAD2 or anti-PAD4 enzymes, then citrullination was detected using an exogenous reporter protein (fibrinogen) and measured with an anti-citrulline-HRP antibody by ACELIA and difference between stimulants and controls (b, c). (b) Significant differences of in vitro citrullination PAD2 dependent by the effect of all stimulants except IFNγ (); similar results were obtained by PAD4, and bars marked with an asterisk compare control with a specific molecular stimulant by Student t-test (c).