Research Article

Reduction of Cellular Lipid Content by a Knockdown of Drosophila PDP1γ and Mammalian Hepatic Leukemia Factor

Figure 2

Effect of total Pdp1 RNAi induced in adult Drosophila on PDP1 protein immunostaining in the fat tissue. Flies were injected with control dsRNA (panel (a)) and dsRNA targeted at a sequence common to all known Pdp1 isoforms (total Pdp1 RNAi; panel (b)). They were processed for PDP1 immunolabeling five days later. Shown is a high magnification (objective 20X) of abdominal fat tissue section (size bar = 20 μm). Note the presence of strong nuclear PDP1 protein immunolabeling (dark circles indicated by red arrows) in the control section (a) and its absence in the Pdp1 RNAi section (b). Also, indicated (blue arrows) are multiple white circles of lipid droplet-containing cells in the control section and their reduced number after Pdp1 RNAi.