
Let be a commutative Noetherian local ring and let be a finitely generated -module of dimension . Then the following statements hold: (a) if width for all with , then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension ; (b) if is an unmixed -module and depth , then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension if and only if is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . As consequence, if is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension for all with , then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

1. Introduction

Throughout this paper, let be a commutative Noetherian local ring and let be a finitely generated -module of dimension . We denote the th local cohomology module of with respect to by . It is well known that is Artinian for all (cf. [1]).

The Noetherian dimension of an Artinian -module , denoted by , is defined inductively as follows: when , put . Then by induction, for any integer , put if is false, and for any ascending chain of submodules of there exists an integer such that for all . Therefore if and only if is a nonzero Noetherian module. Moreover, if is an exact sequence of Artinian modules, then . Let . is an -coregular sequence if is surjective for and . The width of , denoted by , is the length of any maximal -coregular sequence in . For any -coregular element , we have that and . Details about and can be found in Roberts [2], Kirby [3], and Ooishi [4]; there is a general fact: for any Artinian -module holds and is co-Cohen-Macaulay if and only if holds (cf. [57]). Tang [8] has shown that if either or is Cohen-Macaulay, then is co-Cohen-Macaulay (see also [9]). Following Nagata [10], is unmixed if for all .

The main aim of this paper is to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1. The following statements are true.(a)If for all with , then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . (b)If is an unmixed -module and , then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension if and only if is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

2. The Results

Following Macdonald [11], every Artinian -module has minimal secondary representation , where is secondary. The set is independent of the choice of the minimal secondary representation of . This set is called the set of attached prime ideals of and denoted by . The set of all minimal elements of is exactly the set of all minimal elements of . A sequence of elements in is called a strict f-sequence of if for all for all . This notion was introduced in [12].

Lemma 2 (see [9]). For all integer , one has and .

Lemma 3. Let be a strict -sequence of . Then the following statements are true.(i)Suppose that and is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . Then is also co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . (ii)Suppose that is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension and . Then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

Proof. (i) By our hypothesis and using [1, Exercise 11.3.9], we have . Hence from the exact sequences we get the exact sequence for all . Thus in case we have that is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . By the choice of the module is an -module of finite length. Moreover, since by [8, Proposition 2.4], we have by [13, Theorem 4.11]. Thus, by [13, Corollary 3.7], the long exact local homology sequence with respect to over the exact sequence provides . Hence there is an isomorphism and so is a co-Cohen-Macaulay module of Noetherian dimension .
The proof of (ii) follows by the same arguments as in the proof of (i).

Brodmann and Sharp [14], for all integer , defined the set , the th pseudo support of , and denoted by . Note that if is complete with respect to -adic topology, then by [15, Theorem 3.1] . The module satisfies Serre's condition , where is nonnegative integer, provided for all . Note that satisfies the condition Serre if and only if has no imbedded primes, that is, is unmixed.

Lemma 4. Let be unmixed and . Then is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

Proof. When , it is trivial. We assume that . Since is unmixed then and so we have . Thus the result has been proved in this case. Now assume that and . By using [6, Theorem 1.4], we can assume that is complete with respect to -adic topology. Let . Then . Therefore and so . Hence and so by [15, Theorem 3.1] . This implies that is of finite length (see [1, Corollary 7.2.12]). Hence is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension zero.

Theorem 5. Let be an unmixed -module. If , then the following statements are equivalent: (i)the module is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension ; (ii)the module is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

Proof. (i) (ii). We use induction on . The case follows by Lemma 4. Let . Let be a strict -sequence on . By [1, Exercise 11.3.9], for all . Note that , since . Therefore is regular. Thus, by Lemma 3, is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . Since unmixed and , it follows from the inductive hypothesis that is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . Hence, from the exact sequence and our assumption we get and so is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . Since is a coregular sequence on , we have being either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension , as required.
(ii) (i). We prove by induction on . By [8, Corollary 2.5], we can assume that . By our hypothesis there exists . Hence, from the exact sequence we have the isomorphism for . Since is a coregular sequence on , is either zero or co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension and so is . Hence by induction hypothesis is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . Since is a coregular sequence on , it follows, by , that is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . This complete the proof.

The following consequence follows by Theorem 5.

Corollary 6. Let be a Cohen-Macaulay module. Then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

The following theorem extends [16, Corollary 3.6].

Theorem 7. Let for all with . Then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .

Proof. We use induction on . Let . Then, by [1, Corollary 2.1.7] and our assumption, there exists . Hence from the exact sequence we get the exact sequence Therefore and so is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension 2. Thus is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension 3. The result has been proved in this case. Now suppose that and assume that our assertion is true for . There exists and so from the exact sequence we have the following long exact sequence Thus there is an isomorphism for all with . Hence for all with and so by the induction hypothesis is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension . Therefore, in view of , the module is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension , as required.

The following corollary immediately follows by Theorem 7 and [8, Corollary 2.5].

Corollary 8. Let be co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension for all with . Then is co-Cohen-Macaulay of Noetherian dimension .


The authors are deeply grateful to the referees for their careful reading of the paper and the helpful suggestions.