Research Article

Genetic Analyses and Simulations of Larval Dispersal Reveal Distinct Populations and Directional Connectivity across the Range of the Hawaiian Grouper (Epinephelus quernus)

Table 1

Repeat motifs, annealing temperatures, number of alleles per locus, and size range for ten microsatellite loci.

LocusRepeat motifAnnealing temp (°C)Number of allelesSize range (bp)

CA-2 55.08253–273
CA-3 45.014301–329
CA-4 CG 50.02695–161
CA-6 50.010290–310
CA-7 40.010214–236
Mbo29 64.313137–167
Mbo61 61.219162–204
Mbo66 60.09101–125
Mbo67 60.015317–347
Gag010 CA 51.626110–176