Research Article

Detection of Bioactive Compounds in the Mucus Nets of Dendropoma maxima, Sowerby 1825 (Prosobranch Gastropod Vermetidae, Mollusca)

Figure 1

Deleterious effects of the vermetid gastropod Dendropoma maxima on associated corals. Several individuals growing inside the hydrozoan fire coral Millepora platyphylla that minimizes the contact area between coral tissue and nets because of its erected and branching growth form (a). Morphology and pigmentation shift of the massive coral Porites sp. where nets get in touch with the coral tissue. The naturally uneven surface exhibits a more even, flatted one (b). Dead coral tissue of a mucus net affected area (here: dimension approximately 20.1 cm2) of Porites sp. overgrown by algae (c). The highly particle-enriched veils are negatively buoyant and descend on the coral tissue underneath. Almost the whole contact surface between net and coral tissue is degenerated.