Research Article

Shape of Aquatic Animals and Their Swimming Efficiency

Table 2

The volumetric Reynolds number and the capacity-efficiency factor (W/kg) for different animals and submarines based on formula (15) and the maximum velocity, mass, and viscosity data. The following sources of the primal information were used: Dickson et al. [27] for Green jack Caranx caballus; Deslauriers and Kieffer [28] for juvenile Shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum; other primal data about maximum velocity , the mass , and the water kinematic viscosity coefficient is added by authors with the use of the Internet (e.g.,

Name (W/kg)Primal information
 (m/s)  (Kg)  ( )

Acipenser brevirostrum 0.09980.450.01561.52
Caranx caballus 0.1741.030.190.90
Anguilla rostrata 0.08721.081.51.40
Aptenodytes forsteri 0.1052.0835.01.80
Enhydra lutris 0.1532.5030.01.30
Pygoscelis antarcticus 11.08.974.51.70
Human (sportsmen dolphin kick) 0.09462.7080.00.90
Cypselurus californicus 72.615.691.01.00
Sphyraena argentea 17.312.204.50.90
Prionace glauca (juvenile)
Octopus vulgaris 7.4111.1017.01.00
Zalophus californianus 0.4646.00200.01.00
Prionace glauca (adult) 12.310.975.21.00
Tursiops truncatus 1.399.72250.01.00
Isurus oxyrinchus 3.533.90300.01.30
Thunnus orientalis 9.6219.40250.01.52
Galeocerdo cuvier 0.7108.89550.00.90
Crocodylus porosus 0.3577.801000.00.80
Acanthocybium solandri 16.721.4080.00.90
Carcharodon carcharias 1.08211.11800.01.00
Xiphias gladius 30.326.9098.01.15
Tetrapturus audax 13.322.50163.00.90
Carcharodon carcharias 0.55711.113324.01.10
Istiophorus albicans 38.430.5690.00.90
Megaptera novaeangliae 0.08107.50 1.50
Orcinus orca 0.87513.42 1.30
Balaenoptera musculus 0.16013.90 1.52
Submarine Collins class (diesel) 0.019010.83 1.30
Submarine Virginia class (nuclear) 0.018312.78 1.30