Research Article

Phylogenetic Analysis of Nucleotide Sequences from the ITS Region and Biological Characterization of Nematophagous Fungi from Morelos, Mexico

Table 5

Identity percentages with the best hit of sequences containing 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 regions of five nematophagous fungi isolated in Morelos, Mexico, when they are used to do a homology search with BLASTn database. Accession numbers are given in brackets.

Nematophagous fungi sequence identification
Fungi identification Similarity percentages

Z-2.2/A. oligospora 98% with A. oligospora (AM412778)
Z-2.7/M. eudermatum 98% with M. eudermatum (AF106530)
Z-2.8/A. oligospora 99% with A. oligospora (AM412778)
Z-2.10/A. oligospora 99% with A. oligospora (AM412778)
Z-3.3/M. eudermatum 98% with M. eudermatum (AF106530)