Research Article

Transcriptionally Repressive Chromatin Remodelling and CpG Methylation in the Presence of Expanded CTG-Repeats at the DM1 Locus

Figure 5

Decreased sense transcript levels at the DM1 locus in the presence of expanded CTG-repeats. Upon CTG-repeat expansion, decrease of DMPK sense and SIX5 transcript levels is observed, while DMPK antisense levels are unaffected by CTG-repeat length. These graphs show relative abundance (in arbitrary units) of transcripts of interest, corrected by two different reference genes (18s (a) and endogenous murine Dmpk (b)). Height of bars indicates the median enrichment, and error bars indicate the interquartile range (25th to 75th percentile of observations). Relative abundance values were subjected to the Jonckheere Terpstra test for trend, which tests whether a trend exists across the categories with increasing CTG-repeat length. values are indicated in the graphs and details of this statistical analysis can be found in Supplementary Table 3.