Research Article

Expression Analysis of Sugarcane Aquaporin Genes under Water Deficit

Table 6

Relative expression rates of aquaporins PIP1-1 (SD264077 unitag) and PIP1-3/PIP1-4 (SD231548 unitag) in bulks of tolerant or sensitive genotypes, respectively, and RT-qPCR data (both in bulks and each genotype).

Technique and genotypesTarget gene  
Modulation of gene expression&

 Tolerant bulk13.580*/UR3.180*/UR
 Sensitive bulk1−4.560*/DR1.280*/ns
RT-qPCR and Tolerant Genotypes
 SP83-2847 1.836#/UR1.468#/UR
 SP83-5073 0.324#/DR0.383#/DR
RT-qPCR and sensitive Genotypes
 SP90-1638 1.536#/ns1.236#/ns
 SP90-3414 0.324#/DR0.383#/DR

Bulk of the four tolerant or sensitive genotypes; &P < 0.05;*fold change [FC: ratio of the frequencies (normalized to 1,000,000) observed in the stressed library in relation to the control library]; #relative expression level using the REST software (v. 2.0.13) [26]; DR: down-regulated; UR: up-regulated; ns: not significant at P < 0.05.