Review Article

Nanostructures for Medical Diagnostics

Figure 12

Comparison of recording from single channel of permanent and transient adapters. (a) The WT-(M113R/N139Q)7  αHL pore illustrating transient adapter binding (40 mM am7βCD) and nucleotide detection. Nucleotide binding events histogram for residual current. (b) Corresponding data for the WT-(M113R/N139Q)6 (M113R/N139Q/L135C)1 mutant with a covalently bonded am6amPDP1βCD, allowing continuous nucleotide detection and enhanced nucleotide discrimination. The traces were recorded under the parameter set up of 800 mM KCl, 25 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.5, at +160 mV in the presence of 10 μM dGMP, 10 μM dTMP, 10 μM dAMP, and 10 μM dCMP, reprinted by permission from Nature Publishing Group: Nature Nanotechnology [59], copyright 2009.