Research Article

Properties of Reaction Intermediates from Unzipping Nanotubes via the Diketone Formation: A Computational Study

Table 1

Relative energy between spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized solutions of 𝑁 o p diketone-attached nanotubes.

𝑁 o p a
Δ 𝐸 s t a t e b234567

a 𝑁 o p : the number of diketone groups binding to the ( 5 , 5 ) nanotube.
b Δ 𝐸 s t a t e (kcal/mol): energy differences between spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized states of an 𝑁 o p -diketone-attached nanotube ( 𝐸 p o l a r i z e d 𝐸 u n p o l a r i z e d ). Negative values indicate that a spin-polarized state is stable relative to a spin-unpolarized state.