Research Article

One-Step Synthesis of PEGylated Gold Nanoparticles with Tunable Surface Charge

Figure 1

UV-VIS spectroscopy: UV-VIS spectra of AuNPs coated with PEG200 (A), PEG400 (B), PEG1500 (C), PEG4000 (D), PEG6000 (E), PEG10000 (F), and PEG20000 (G). The inset displays the UV-VIS spectra of PEG4000-AuNPs obtained (A) by adding the NaOH to an aqueous solution of PEG4000 and HAuCl4, (B) by adding the PEG4000 to an aqueous solution of HAuCl4 and NaOH, and (C) by using half amount of PEG4000 in the preparation method. The single peak in all spectra indicates the successful formation of spherical PEGylated AuNPs. The order of NaOH addition in the preparation method does not influence the formation of spherical gold nanoparticles, while the amount of PEG does.