Research Article

Nanopigmented Acrylic Resin Cured Indistinctively by Water Bath or Microwave Energy for Dentures

Table 1

Summary of processing methods for curing of commercial acrylic resin and experimental PMMA.

Acrylic resinProcessing methodManufacturer (location)Viscosity mol wt (g/mol)a

Lucitone 199Water bath cured at
70°C for 90 min and 90°C for 30 min
Dentsply/Trubyte (York, PA)19 × 10−5
Acron MCMicrowave cured at
500 W for 3 min
GC (Alsip, IL)14 × 10−5
Experimental PMMAWater bath cured
at 70°C for 90 min and 90°C for 30 min;
microwave cured at 500 W for 3 min
36 × 10−5

The viscosity molecular weight was reported previously [5].