Clinical Study

Medium- and Short-Term Interventions with Ma-Pi 2 Macrobiotic Diet in Type 2 Diabetic Adults of Bauta, Havana

Table 5

Lipids and cardiovascular risk in adult type 2 diabetic adults with Ma-Pi 2 diet.

Variable Cut-off points Time 0
21 days
3 months

Total cholesterol (mmol/L)Desirable <5.2288774
Borderline 5.2–6.19211124
High risk ≥6.205122

LDL cholesterol (mmol/L)Desirable <3.39308776
Borderline 3.38–4.10381117
High risk ≥4.113237

HDL cholesterol (mmol/L)Desirable >1.6420
Acceptable 1.0–1.6535563
High risk ≤1.0434337

Triglycerides (mmol/L)Desirable <1.7338278
Borderline 1.7–2.3351820
High 2.31–5.642802
High risk ≥5.65400

Percentages of patients included in each classification according to measured serum values at onset, and after 21 d or 3 months of intervention.