Research Article

Alcohol Consumption, Beverage Preference, and Diet in Middle-Aged Men from the STANISLAS Study

Table 3

Daily intake of foods and nutrients according to alcohol consumption in the sample of 423 adult malesa.

Alcohol intakes (g/day)
Adjusted for trendb,c

 Milk (g) ≤0.001
 Yogurt and fresh/uncured cheese (g) ≤0.001
 Cheese (g) 0.037
 Eggs (g) 0.152
 Fish (g) 0.189
 Poultry (g) 0.491
 Meat and organs (g) ≤0.001
 Pork-butcher's meat (g) ≤0.001
 Snacks (g) 0.246
 Cereals and pasta (g) 0.199
 Bread and toast (g) 0.508
 Pastries and cookies (g) 0.018
 Sugar and confectionery (g) ≤0.001
 Pulses (g) 0.351
 Potatoes (g) 0.027
 Other vegetables (g) 0.002
 Fruits (g) ≤0.001
 Added fats and vegetable oils (g) 0.427
Diet pattern
 First pattern 0.002
 Second pattern 0.011

aMean ± SD.
b for linear trend after adjustment for age, nonalcohol energy intakes, cigarette smoking, BMI, education, and season.