Review Article

Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Technique for the Particle Size Distribution of Nonporous Nanoparticles

Table 1

Summary of the small angle X-ray data analysis methods.

MethodsUnderlying assumptions AdvantagesDisadvantages

Average size determination method (ADM)
All nanoparticles in a system are assumed to be equally sized; determine the average size of nanoparticlesStraightforward and easy to implementTypically nanoparticles have various sizes and shapes

Parametric distribution model (PDM)
A parametric form of particle size distribution is assumed; a particle shape is typically fixed; a particle is sparsely distributed in a sampleStraight forward and easy to implementFor many cases, we do not have whether a particle size distribution follows a simple parametric form

Integral transform method (ITM)
The shape of particle is assumed; a particle is sparsely distributed in a sampleVarious forms of the particle size distribution are consideredIt often involves complex numerical integrations which may become divergent or unstable

Numerical method (NM)
The shape of particle is assumed; a particle is sparsely distributed in a sampleA finite approximation of the ITM method; more computationally feasibleThe approximation is often solved by an optimization procedure, which is nonlinear, so it is hard to obtain the global optimal approximation