Research Article

Formation of Au-Silane Bonds

Figure 4

Tunneling I-V characteristics at 4.2 K acquired on single 5 nm dia. Au NPs deposited on two different molecular layers self-assembled on a 150 nm superconducting Nb film. (a) On MPdS (di-Silane), showing enhanced zero-bias conductance that reflects strong electrical coupling to the Nb film. Inset: the corresponding dI/dV-V spectrum. (b) On OTS, showing single-electron tunneling effects that indicates weak electrical coupling. Two curves are presented, taken with different STM settings. The black curve shows a Coulomb blockade, which is removed in the red curve that exhibits a clear Coulomb staircase. Inset: derivative spectrum of the red curve. The voltage-current settings were (a) 𝑉 s e t = 1 0  mV; 𝐼 s e t = 0 . 3  nA, (b) 𝑉 s e t = 2 0 0  mV; 𝐼 s e t = 0 . 5 and −0.35 nA, for the black and red curves, respectively.