Research Article

Potential Role of Thymosin- 1 Adjuvant Therapy for Glioblastoma

Figure 3

Increased proapoptosis gene products in Talpha1-treated 9L glioblastoma cells. 9L cells seeded in 96-well plates were treated with 10 mM Talpha1 for 24 hours. After fixation and permeabilization, immunoreactivity was measured directly in the cells using the microtiter immunocytochemical ELISA (MICE) assay. Levels of immunoreactivity were normalized to cell density and the corresponding ratio represents the MICE index. The graph depicts the mean ± S.D. of the levels of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Bcl-2, p21, p53, Fas L, Fas R, tumor necrosis factor receptor, type 1 (TNF R1), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) measured in 8 replicate vehicle-treated or Talpha1-treated cultures. Asterisks denote significant differences from control .