Research Article

Hyperphosphorylated FAK Delocalizes from Focal Adhesions to Membrane Ruffles

Figure 5

Increased phosphorylated FAK at cell membrane. (a) Images of PV-treated cells were taken by confocal microscopy at 5 minutes intervals for 30 minutes, then cells were fixed and immunolabeled for p-Tyr397-FAK (Rhodamine Red-X). Scale bar, 20 μm. Note membrane ruffle formation (arrowheads) and loss of FAs (arrows) upon addition of PV. Moreover, membrane ruffles show strong P-Tyr397-FAK labeling (right panel, red). (b) Boxed regions in panel (a) are magnified in panel (b) and correspond to FAK/Ycam (green) and p-Tyr397-FAK (red) signals at 30 minutes after PV. Fluorescence intensity analyses were quantified at the membrane region. Fluorescence intensity was measured along the 10 μm line (red) using Plot Profile, Image J software, with grey values ranging from 0 to 256. Note the increase in phospho-FAK signal at the cell membrane compared to total FAK (maximal intensities indicated by black arrowheads).