Clinical Study

Age of 40 Years or Younger Is an Independent Risk Factor for Locoregional Failure in Early Breast Cancer: A Single-Institutional Analysis in Saudi Arabia

Table 2

Results of the Kaplan-Meier analysis.

Factor 𝑛 2-year locoregional failure-free survival95% CI 𝑃 value

 Age ≤40540.860.75–0.98
 Age >401580.980.95–1.00

Menopausal status0.52

 BMI <30720.950.88–1.00
 BMI ≥30830.970.92–1.00

T stage0.03
 Tis, T0–21590.980.95–1.00

N stage0.13


Tumor subtype0.03
 Luminal A750.910.83–0.99

Lymphovascular status0.02

Type of surgery0.59

Residual tumor status0.56

Abbreviations. BMI: body mass index; *: luminal B, Her2 overexpressing, or triple negative; BCS: breast conserving surgery; CI: confidence interval.