Review Article

Current and Emerging Therapeutic Options in Adrenocortical Cancer Treatment

Table 1

Staging systems of adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) according to the criteria of the Union Internationale Contre Cancer (UICC) 2004 and the European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT) 2008.

StageUICC/WHO 2004ENSAT 2008

IT1, N0, M0T1, N0, M0
IIT2, N0, M0T2, N0, M0
IIIT1-2, N1, M0
T3, N0, M0
T1-2, N1, M0
T3-4, N0-1, M0
IVT1–4, N0-1, M1
T3, N1, M0
T4, N0-1, M0
T1–4, N0-1, M1

T1: tumor ≤5 cm; T2: tumor >5 cm; T3: tumor infiltration into surrounding tissue; T4: tumor invasion into adjacent organs or venous tumor thrombosis; N0: no positive lymph nodes; N1: positive lymph node(s); M0: no distant metastasis; M1: distant metastasis.