Clinical Study

Retrospective Study of Selective Submandibular Neck Dissection versus Radical Neck Dissection for N0 or N1 Necks in Level I Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Table 3

Cox’s proportional hazard model with univariate and multivariate analysis in clinically N0 necks.

 Regional control Disease-specific survival
Hazard ratio (95% CI)P valueHazard ratio (95% CI)P valueHazard ratio (95% CI)P valueHazard ratio (95% CI)P value

Type of neck dissection MRND/SMND1.061 (0.381–2.935)0.9130.986 (0.337–2.886)0.980
Clinical tumor stage T3, 4/T1, 21.896 (0.742–2.885)0.2043.048 (1.105–8.043)0.03114.949 (8.643–21.352)0.002
Primary tumor site Tongue1.113 (0.412–2.080)0.8571.219 (0.539–3.052)0.794
Tumor depth (Tongue) 4 mm1.687 (0.659–4.260)0.4652.386 (0.935–4.777)0.061
Poorly or Moderately differentiated1.061 (0.403–2.446)0.9131.490 (0.530–4.187)0.449
Mode of invasion Grade 42.074 (0.815–4.243)0.1481.975 (0.871–4.130)0.350
Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy0.277 (0.107–0.825)0.0450.136 (0.050–0.469)0.0490.269 (0.076–0.953)0.042 0.412 (0.150–0.924)0.032
Pathological nodal stage pN(+)5.101 (2.470–10.172)0.0033.542 (1.447–7.122)0.0274.081 (1.299–12.816)0.016 6.541 (2.463–9.257)0.014
Extracapsular spread5.095 (1.383–18.461)0.03131.333 (13.443–75.119)0.0055.487 (2.238–14.315)0.025 15.915 (11.440–27.967)0.024
Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy2.589 (0.643–8.849)0.137    2.806 (0.792–9.942)0.110   

SMND: selective submandibular neck dissection; MRND: modified radical neck dissection; CI: confidence interval.