Clinical Study

Retrospective Study of Selective Submandibular Neck Dissection versus Radical Neck Dissection for N0 or N1 Necks in Level I Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Table 4

Cox’s proportional hazard model with univariate and multivariate analysis in clinically N1 necks.

 Regional control Disease specific survival
Hazard ratio (95% CI)P valueHazard ratio (95% CI)P valueHazard ratio (95% CI)P valueHazard ratio (95% CI)P value

Type of neck dissection RND/SMND0.889 (0.289–2.412)0.8380.897 (0.224–2.263)0.9620.989 (0.346–3.086)0.9480.898 (0.209–2.225)0.796
Clinical tumor stage T3, 4/T1, 22.857 (0.794–5.941)0.0863.112 (0.990–10.434)0.0402.465 (1.107–5.261)0.071
Primary tumor site Tongue1.129 (0.443–2.676)0.8771.024 (0.497–2.311)0.798
Tumor depth (tongue) 4 mm1.857 (0.665–3.838)0.1011.414 (0.736–4.109)0.385
Poorly or moderately differentiated2.238 (0.733–4.496)0.1633.212 (0.876–7.769)0.073
Mode of invasion Grade 43.250 (1.805–7.727)0.041 2.966 (0.849–7.330)0.7603.814 (1.018–9.012)0.036 3.145 (1.883–7.516)0.240
Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy0.263 (0.092–0.706)0.045 0.195 (0.087–0.451)0.013 0.312 (0.152–0.942)0.039 0.232 (0.090–0.596)0.018
Pathological nodal stage pN23.750 (1.825–7.586)0.031 6.869 (2.681–14.011)0.022 5.847 (1.888–10.719)0.005 6.989 (2.428–12.111)0.004
Extracapsular spread6.224 (2.484–12..234)0.002 11.342 (5.880–20.419)<0.0019.868 (4.510–18.225)<0.00112.767 (6.926–19.446)<0.001
Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy1.743 (0.454–4.379)0.473    2.637 (0.720–9.499)0.129   

SMND: selective submandibular neck dissection; RND: radical neck dissection; CI: confidence interval.