Research Article

The Effectiveness of a Nondiet Multidisciplinary Weight Reduction Program for Severe Overweight Patients with Psychological Comorbidities

Table 6

Spearman correlation matrix of weight reduction and selected variables at BMI >40 kg/m².

Spearman-RhoDuration of in-patient therapyGeneral Symptomatic Index (GSI)Somatoform dimension SCL-90 RDepressive dimension SCL-90 RPhysical summary score SF36 (PCS)Mental summary score SF 36 (MCS)AgeWaist% body fatFit-level

Weight reduction −,153,144,316*,170,172,094−,083,612**,855**,160

**Correlation is significant at (two-tailed).
*Correlation is significant at (two-tailed).