Research Article

Weight Misperceptions and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Female Body Mass Index

Table 2

Frequencies of weight perceptions by race and ethnicity and by weight categories.

Over perceived weight statusCorrectly perceived weight statusUnder perceived weight statusOver perceived weight statusCorrectly perceived weight statusUnder perceived weight statusOver perceived weight statusCorrectly perceived weight statusUnder perceived weight status

Normal Weight26.70%62.40%10.90%17.30%a68.00%a14.70%a24.70%b64.30%11.00%b

Summary statistics are weighted using the NLSY sampling weights.
aStatistically different from whites at P ≤ 0.05; bStatistically different from blacks at P ≤ 0.05.
Underweight: BMI percentile <5; normal weight:85> BMI percentile ≥5; overweight: 95> BMI percentile ≥85; obese: BMI percentile ≥95.