Research Article

Parents’ Readiness to Change Affects BMI Reduction Outcomes in Adolescents with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Table 2

Description of adolescent treatment sessions.

SessionWeekSession content

Session 1Week 1Overview of the program, description of healthy eating and physical activity, and difference between dieting and lifestyle change
Session 2Week 2Logging food and movement, reading food labels, and avoiding food traps
Session 3Week 3Managing emotions, avoiding sneak eating, and psychological versus physiological hunger
Session 4Week 4Tools to increase health and wellness (e.g., Stoplight Eating Plan, Healthy Plate)
Session 5Week 6Staying motivated, increasing physical activity, everyday lifestyle movement, and decreasing sedentary behavior
Session 6Week 8Changing self-talk to be more positive, developing a healthy body image and self-esteem
Session 7Week 10Being more self-aware with regards to eating, being active, and staying positive
Session 8Week 12Overcoming barriers, planning ahead for healthy meals, special occasions, and eating out
Booster Session 1Week 16Coping with PCOS
Booster Session 2Week 20Planning for the future
Booster Session 3Week 24Reflecting on the intervention