Research Article

Home Availability and the Impact of Weekly Stressful Events Are Associated with Fruit and Vegetable Intake among African American and Hispanic/Latina Women

Table 2

Correlations among demographic, neighborhood availability of supermarkets and grocery stores, the impact of weekly stressful events, home availability of fruit and vegetable (FV), and FV intake among African American and Hispanic or Latino women from Health Is Power.

AgeBMINASNAGImpact of weekly stressful eventsHAFVFV intake

Impact of weekly stressful events0.23**−0.03−0.080.18*1
FV Intake0.08−0.010.08−0.050.19*0.31**1

NAS: neighborhood availability of supermarkets; NAG: neighborhood availability of grocery stores; HAFV: home availability of FV; * 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 , ** 𝑃 < 0 . 0 1 , *** 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 .