Research Article

Home Availability and the Impact of Weekly Stressful Events Are Associated with Fruit and Vegetable Intake among African American and Hispanic/Latina Women

Table 3

Linear regression analyses of the association of home availability of fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetable intake with neighborhood availability of grocery stores and supermarkets, impact of weekly stressful events, home availability of fruit and vegetables, and interaction effects after controlling for demographic variables among African American and Hispanic or Latino women from Health Is Power.

ModelIndependent variablesStd. BetaDependent variablesModel   𝑅 2 𝑃

1Impact of weekly stressful events−0.08HAFV0.030.81
NAG X impact of weekly stressful events0.15

2Impact of weekly stressful events−0.06HAFV0.020.90
NAS X impact of weekly stressful events0.01

3Impact of weekly stressful events−0.17*FV intake0.17<0.001
HAFV X impact of weekly stressful events0.05

4NAG−0.03FV Intake0.050.02

5NAS0.10FV Intake0.060.007

NAS: neighborhood availability of supermarkets; NAG: neighborhood availability of grocery stores; HAFV: home availability of FV; * 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 , *** 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 . All models adjusted for age, BMI, race, education, and income.