Clinical Study

Adults with Greater Weight Satisfaction Report More Positive Health Behaviors and Have Better Health Status Regardless of BMI

Table 4

Relationships between body weight satisfaction by overweight status and weight-related health behaviors, Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, 1987–2002: women ( )*.

Weight related behaviorsSatisfied ( )Dissatisfied ( )
( )
Overweight ( )Obese
( )
Normal Weight ( )Overweight ( )Obese
( )

Eating to maintain weight,a,b
  Eat less1115 (51.9)23 (54.8)795 (64.9)582 (68.0)222 (68.3)
  Eat just 907 (42.2)16 (38.1).84306 (25.0)133 (15.5)38 (11.7)<.0001
  Eat more125 (5.8)3 (7.1)124 (10.1)141 (16.5)65 (20.0)
496 (23.1)15 (35.7).06425 (34.7)365 (42.6)156 (48.0)<.0001
Yo-yo dieting (yes)††,a69 (17.3)1 (25.0).6966 (34.4)47 (55.3)22 (59.5).0005
Snacking 7+ times per week? 794 (57.3)12 (52.2).62458 (58.3)365 (63.2)148 (68.2).02
Meal frequency a
 0–13 meals per week226 (10.7)4 (10.0)132 (11.2)98 (11.81)42 (13.3)
 14–20 meals per week987 (46.9)20 (50.0).91615 (51.9)395 (47.6)156 (49.4).32
 ≥21 meals per week892 (42.4)16 (40.0)437 (36.9)337 (40.6)118 (37.3)
 Inactive438 (20.4)14 (33.3)326 (26.6)262 (30.6)133 (40.9)
 Moderate1137 (53.0)25 (59.5).008629 (51.4)458 (53.5)147 (45.2)<.0001
 Active572 (26.6)3 (7.1)270 (22.0)136 (15.9)45 (13.9)
 Never1456 (67.8)28 (66.77)768 (62.9)543 (63.4)218 (67.1)
 Former560 (26.1)10 (23.8).65363 (29.6)245 (28.6)82 (25.2).63
 Current131 (6.1)4 (9.5)94 (7.7)68 (7.9)25 (7.7)
  None688 (32.0)15 (35.7)424 (34.6)349 (40.8)161 (49.5)
 Light1091 (50.8)17 (40.5).35586 (47.8)369 (43.1)132 (40.6)<.0001
 Moderate/Heavy368 (17.14)10 (23.81)215 (17.6)138 (16.1)32 (9.9)

 * applies for all data except for yo-yo dieting, for snacking frequency, and for meal frequency in satisfied women and for yo-yo dieting, for snacking frequency, and for meal frequency in dissatisfied women.
Categorical variables reported as number of participants with characteristic and the % of column total for variable represented (%).
Weight satisfaction based on the difference between measured and goal weight (kg) or relative weight (kg/m2).
= body mass index, a measure of relative weight is described by this formula: weight (kg)/height (m)2 categories; = normal weight classified as BMI of 18.5–24.9; OW = overweight classified as BMI 25–29.9 kg/m2; Obese classified as BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2.
of chi-square or Fisher’s exact test: comparisons of weight related behaviors across BMI groups within weight satisfaction columns (satisfied or dissatisfied). (aSignificance of chi-square or Fisher’s exact test: comparison of proportions for each behavior between normal weight satisfied men and normal weight dissatisfied men; significant comparisons presented in bold text. bSignificance at of chi-square or Fisher’s exact test: comparison of proportions for each behavior between overweight satisfied men and overweight dissatisfied men; significant comparisons presented in bold text. cSignificance at of chi-square or Fisher’s exact test: comparison of proportions for each behavior between obese satisfied men and obese dissatisfied men; significant comparisons are presented in bold text).
Eating to maintain weight coded as Less = generally eating less than what he wants to maintain weight; Just = eating just the amount he/she wants to maintain weight; More = generally having to eat more than what he/she wants to maintain weight.
**Diet frequency coded as Less = never, rarely, or only sometimes dieting; More = often or always dieting.
††Yo-yo dieting is coded as “are you really a yo-yo dieter?” Yes or No.
‡‡Activity, from self-reported leisure-time physical activity questionnaire, inactive defined as no regular leisure-time activity; moderate defined as some participation in regular leisure-time activity, or walking, jogging, or running less than 10 miles per week; active defined as walking, jogging, or running 10 miles or more per week.
use defined as Never = never smoked cigarettes; Former = previously smoked cigarettes; Current = currently smoked cigarettes based on self-reported smoking habit questionnaire.
consumption defined as none, light which corresponds to <15 grams per day or moderate/heavy which corresponds to ≥15 grams per day.