Clinical Study

Metabolic Risk Susceptibility in Men Is Partially Related to Adiponectin/Leptin Ratio

Figure 3

Ratio of triglyceride to HDL cholesterol (C) is lower in nonobese ( ) and overweight ( ) men who have a high level of plasma adiponectin (a). In contrast, the ratio of plasma triglyceride to HDL C is lower in nonobese, overweight, and obese subjects with a high ratio of adiponectin/leptin compared to those with a low ratio of adiponectin to leptin (b). HOMA2-IR levels are significantly higher ( ) in overweight and obese men with a high level of adiponectin compared with those with a low level of adiponectin (c). However, the HOMA2-IR levels are significantly lower in nonobese, overweight, and obese men who have a high ratio of adiponectin to leptin compared with those that have a low ratio (d).