Research Article

Indices of Abdominal Adiposity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Test Performance in Middle-School Students

Table 1

Anthropometric measures and cardiorespiratory fitness scores per grade and gender group (means ± S.D.).

Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8GirlsBoys
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Anthropometric measures
 Height (m) + +1.59 ± .08 *
 Weight (kg) +47.78 ± 9.92 *
 BMI (kg/m2)1 +18.69 ± 2.8719.18 ± 3.21
 % Body fat (SKF)2 23.35 ± 5.99 *
 % Body fat (BIA)3 22.08 ± 5.09 *
 WC (cm)4 +65.89 ± 7.9168.46 ± 8.10
 WHtR5 .413 ± .045.415 ± .041
Cardiorespiratory fitness scores
 One mile time (s) +557.2 ± 139.0 *
 PACER (laps) 65.5 ± 26.144.79 ± 18.60 *

1BMI stands for Body Mass Index.
2SKF stands for % body fat estimation from the two-site skinfold method and Slaughter formula.
3BIA stands for % body fat estimation from the Omron BIA device.
4WC stands for waist circumference.
5WHtR stands for waist-to-height ratio.
+Grade effect, .
*Gender effect, .