Research Article

Ultrasound Estimates of Visceral and Subcutaneous-Abdominal Adipose Tissues in Infancy

Table 2

Validation study: intercorrelations between MRI IA-AT or SCA-AT and anthropometry or ultrasound measures in 22 term infants.

Ponderal IndexLengthWeightUS-SC-abdo depthUS-visceral depth
(cm3)1(cm3)2(cm3)3(kg/m3)(cm)(kg) (cm)4,5

SCA-AT (cm3)20.48*1
Total SC-AT (cm3)30.61*0.94**1
Ponderal Index (kg/m3)0.150.320.271
Length (cm)0.340.40*0.54*−0.40*1
Weight (kg)0.390.6*0.70**0.20.81**1
US-SC-abdo depth (cm)4,50.52*0.71**0.78**0.170.79**0.92**1
US-visceral depth (cm)30.48*0.220.310.140.310.40*0.381
Waist (cm)*0.72**0.6*0.28

Values are Pearson’s correlation coefficients.
* value < 0.05; ** value < 0.001.
1IA-AT: internal-abdominal adipose tissue volume by MRI.
2SCA-AT: subcutaneous-abdominal adipose tissue volume by MRI.
3Total SC-AT: total body subcutaneous adipose tissue volume by MRI.
4US: Ultrasound.
5SC-abdo depth: subcutaneous-abdominal adipose tissue depth.