Research Article

Reducing Hispanic Children’s Obesity Risk Factors in the First 1000 Days of Life: A Qualitative Analysis

Table 1

Focus group discussion guide domains according to focus group type.

DomainPregnancy groupsInfancy groupsEarly childhood groups

Health information sources
Beliefs about weight gain during respective life course period
Beliefs about and influences on formation of obesity risk factors
  (i) Infant/child bottle use and breastfeeding
  (ii) Introduction of solid foods to infant/child
  (iii) Infant/child ability to self-regulate feeding
  (iv) Infant/child sleep
  (v) Infant/child screen time
  (vi) Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and diet quality during respective life course period
  (vii) Physical activity during pregnancy
Parental explanatory factors for childhood obesity
Prospective future interventions to reduce childhood obesity