Research Article

Prevalence of GCKR rs1260326 Variant in Subjects with Obesity Associated NAFLD and T2DM: A Case-Control Study in South Punjab, Pakistan

Table 6

Association of GCKR rs1260326 with obesity in NAFLD and T2DM subjects.

GenotypeNW vs OW value/OR (95% CI)OW vs OB value/OR (95% CI)NW vs OB value/OR (95% CI)

NAFLD0.932/1.028 (0.546–1.933)0.263/0.653 (1.333−1.282)0.024/2.641 (1.134–6.148)
T2DM0.234/1.713 (0.706, 4.160)0.603/0.811 (368, 1.786)0.165/0.536 (0.223, 1.292)

NW: normal weight (BMI >18.5 to <25), OW: overweight (BMI 25-to <30), OB: obese (BMI >30). Binary logistic regression has been performed. , , and . Bold values indicate significantly associated risk factor with disease progression.