Research Article

The Concentrations of Interleukin-6, Insulin, and Glucagon in the Context of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in IL6 and INS Genes

Table 3

Concentrations of IL-6 and glucagon in the control, obese, and diabetic groups.

ParametersControl group (N = 50)Obese group (N = 45)Diabetic group (N = 23)

IL-6 (pg/mL){7.37; 10.61; 34.30}{6.22; 6.62; {5.91; 6.21;
Glucagon (pg/mL){58.41; 86.54; 120.72}{44.35; 77.86; 112.20}{130.80; 173.18;

Values shown as {1st quartile; median; 3rd quartile}. Data were obtained with the Kruskal–Wallis test with the post hoc Dunn’s test. N: number of patients; compared to control group; compared to obese group. Bold values represent medians.