Research Article

Sociocultural and Socioeconomic Influences on Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Overweight/Obese African-American and Latino-American Children and Adolescents

Table 1

Acculturation, Habits, and Interests Multicultural Scale for Adolescents (AHIMSA) questionnaire and response items.

Questionnaire items

“I am most comfortable being with people from…”
“My best friends are from…”
“The people I fit in with best are from…”
“My favorite music is from…”
“My favorite TV shows are from…”
“The holidays I celebrate are from…”
“The food I eat at home is from…”
“The way I do things and the way I think about things are from…”

African-American response items

“White-American culture”
“My family’s culture”

Latino-American response items

“The US”
“The country my family is from”

Subscale definitions

Assimilation—replacing my family’s/native country’s culture with that of white-American/mainstream American culture
Separation—retaining my family’s/native country’s culture while rejecting white-American/mainstream American culture
Integration—combining aspects of both cultures
Marginalization—becoming alienated from both cultures