Case Report

High-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography Retinal Imaging: A Case Series Illustrating Potential and Limitations

Figure 3

SD-OCT of a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy and clinically significant diabetic macular edema (DME) (OS). Scan parameters: infrared scan angle 30°; OCT scan angle 30°; pattern size 30°×15°, 19 sections (240 μm between B-scans). (a) The conventional fundus camera image showed clinically significant DME, fibrous tissue/epiretinal membrane temporal to the optic nerve head (ONH) extending towards the fovea and inferior to the fovea, neovascularisation at the ONH and also at the inferior macula and laser scars in the macula area and outside of the major retinal arcades. (b) SD-OCT en-face image centered on the fovea. The green arrow shows the position of the scan line used to generate the cross-sectional retinal OCT image (i.e., (c)). (c) The cross-sectional retinal image revealed cystoid spaces temporal to the ONH and extending close to the fovea in the outer retina (arrow “1”). The fibrous tissue/epiretinalmembrane can also be seen, located between the ONH and fovea ( arrow “2”). (d) The cross-sectional retinal thickness profile revealed increased retinal thickness especially nasally to the fovea.