Clinical Study

Macular Retinal Ganglion Cell Complex Thickness and Its Relationship to the Optic Nerve Head Topography in Glaucomatous Eyes with Hemifield Defects

Table 2

The mGCC thickness and HRT-II parameters of the intact and damaged hemispheres.

ParametersDamaged hemisphereIntact hemisphereP

Macular area
 mGCC ( m) .005
HRT-II parameters
 Disc area (m ) .329
 Cup area (m ) .205
 Rim area (m ) .058
 Cup area/disc area .032
 Cup volume (m ) .254
 Rim volume (m ) .009
 Mean cup depth (mm) .211
 Maximum cup depth (mm) .153
 Height variation contour (mm) .068
 Cup shape measure .811
 Mean RNFL thickness (mm) .012
 RNFL cross-sectional area (m ) .005

Values are expressed as the mean + SD; P values by paired t-test ( ). mGCC = macular ganglion cell complex, HRT-II = Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II, RNFL = retinal nerve fiber layer.