Clinical Study

Effect of Pterygium Surgery on Tear Osmolarity

Table 1

The comparisons of the tear osmolarity, break-up time (BUT), and Schirmer test results within the groups during the follow-up period (mean ± SD).

Group 1
( )
Group 2
( )

Tear osmolarity (mOsm/L)
 Baseline304.9 ± 8.0304.0 ± 11.8
 3rd month
 12th month
 18th month
BUT (second)
 3rd month
 12th month
 18th month
Schirmer test (mm)
 3rd month
 12th month
 18th month

Group 1 includes patients with no recurrence of pterygium after primary pterygium surgery.
Group 2 includes patients with recurrence of pterygium after primary pterygium surgery.