Research Article

Vitreous Hemorrhage in Pediatric Age Group

Table 9

A summary of the 18 eyes with vitreous hemorrhage caused by accidental trauma and that had retinal detachment at last follow-up.

Serial numberEyeAgeGenderPresentationVA at presentationRetina statusManagementOutcome

1OS11MBlunt trauma by door handleNARD by B-scanPPV + lensectomyNLP
Pale disc
2OS5FCorneoscleral laceration
Trauma by metallic hanger
CFFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SO + SB for RD
Inoperable TRD + PVR
3OS3MSP primary repairNARD by B-scanPPV + SB LP
Inoperable TRD
4OD5FTrauma by sharp objectNAFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SB
Inoperable TRD + PVR
5OD8MTrauma by sharp objectLPFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SB
Inoperable TRD + PVR
6OD10MTrauma by sharp object
SP primary repair
LPRD by B-scanPPV + SB NLP
Inoperable total RD
7OD7MSP primary repairLPRD by B-scanNoneNLP
Macula-off TRD
8OD3MTrauma by sharp object
SP primary repair
NARD by B-scanPPV + SBHM
Inoperable TRD + PVR
9OD2MTrauma by sharp object
SP primary repair
NARD by B-scanPPV + SB + SONLP
10OS4FTrauma by sharp objectNAFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SB
Macula-off TRD
11OD8MSP primary repairHMNAPPV + SBNLP
12OD4MSP primary repairNARD by B-scanPPV + SB + SOPoor F&F
Inoperable RD
13OD7MSP primary repairLPRD by B-scanPPV + SO LP
Inoperable RD
14OS7MSP primary repairNLPRD by B-scanNoneNLP
Inoperable RD
15OD14MSP primary repairLPRD by B-scanPPV + SB + SO1/200
TRD-macular scar
16OS1.6FTrauma by sharp objectNAFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SB
Not F&F
Macula-off TRD + PVR
17OD6MTrauma by sharp objectNAFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SB
18OD4FTrauma by sharp objectNAFlat(1) Primary repair
(2) PPV + SB
Not F&F
Inoperable RD

OD: right eye. OS: left eye. VA: visual acuity. F: female. M: male. SP: status post. NLP: no light perception. LP: light perception. NA: not available. RD: retinal detachment. PPV: pars plana vitrectomy. SB: scleral buckle. TRD: tractional retinal detachment. PVR: proliferative vitreoretinopathy. SO: silicon oil. CFNF: counting finger near to the face.