Clinical Study

A Novel Method for the Localization and Management of Traumatic Cyclodialysis Cleft

Figure 1

Surgical procedure to close the cyclodialysis cleft (case 3). (a) Beginning with a half deep scleral incision with scissors, we moved from the middle to the inferior end of the cleft behind the limbus, 1.5 mm, following the partial-thickness scleral flap. (b) A blunt probe was inserted into the anterior chamber, which was filled with a viscoelastic agent, and then the end of the cleft was gently detected. (c) Beginning with the first starting stitch from the middle of the cleft, we then extended to the end with a running 10-0 nylon suture. (d) Dissecting the other half of the deep scleral flap over the other half cleft. (e) Again detecting with the probe, we closed the cleft as described previously. (f) Closing the scleral flap and conjunctiva with interrupted sutures, respectively.