Review Article

Human Serum Eye Drops in Eye Alterations: An Insight and a Critical Analysis

Figure 1

Mechanisms involved in damaged cornea and serum growth factor regeneration pathways. Several corneal injures can promote pathological conditions such as PED or DES. Action of drugs, autoimmune diseases, aging, chemical insults, and postsurgical lesions can wound the cornea directly or indirectly through the imbalance of the lachrymal gland. Microscopically, these pathogenic conditions result in a loss of epithelial cells and microvilli, epithelial squamous metaplasia, and inflammation of the corneal surface. The corneal healing process can benefit from the promoting action of serum GFs. Once they are released, through tyrosine kinase receptors, they propagate their signal from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. Through explicit pathways and signaling cascades, GFs activate the expression of target genes involved in apoptosis, proliferation, cell differentiation, and migration. This synergistic action establishes regenerative effects with closure of epithelial lesions, revascularization, and neurorepair.