Research Article

The Impact of Unilateral or Bilateral Cataract Surgery on Visual Acuity and Life Quality of Elderly Patients

Table 4

Effects of systemic comorbidities, ocular comorbidities, surgical complications, and gender on the improvement of VRQOL score at the end of follow-up period (, ).

Unilateral cataract extraction patientsBilateral cataract extraction patientsAll cataract extraction patients
Mean improvement in score (SD) valueMean improvement in score (SD) valueMean improvement in score (SD) value

With systemic comorbidities25.00 (17.89) 0.67147.64 (30.58) 0.15835.83 (26.80) 0.149
Without systemic comorbidities24.05 (18.89)26.89 (28.18)25.40 (23.49)
With ocular comorbidities21. 60 (19.31) 0.55025.94 (35.07) 0.094**24.33 (29.84) 0.135
Without ocular comorbidities25.61 (18.07)45.69 (18.45)32.86 (20.44)
With surgical complication7.60 (10.60) 0.019*11.00 (23.45) 0.094**9.11 (16.30) 0.006*
Without surgical complication27.39 (17.78)38.12 (29.96)32.56 (24.78)
Female25.12 (16.87) 0.76330.93 (32.39) 0.41227.84 (25.09) 0.655
Male23.63 (20.13)38.07 (28.75)30.61 (25.34)