Research Article

Changes in Central Macular Thickness following Single Session Multispot Panretinal Photocoagulation

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients undergoing single session, multispot, 20-millisecond, panretinal photocoagulation.


Gender, number (%)
 Male11 (33.3)
 Female22 (66.7)
Age (year), mean (SD) 52.3 (7.7)
Laterality, number (%)
 Right 22 (55.0)
 Left18 (45.0)
Type of diabetes, (%)
 I1 (3.0)
 II32 (97.0)
Duration of diabetes (year), median (min–max) 10 (0.2–25.0)
Glycosylated HbA1C (mg/dL), mean (SD) 9.2 (2.4)
Baseline logMAR BCVA, mean (SD) 0.13 (0.11)

SD: standard deviation, logMAR: logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution visual acuity.