Research Article

Association between Glucose Levels and Intraocular Pressure: Pre- and Postprandial Analysis in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients

Table 1

Demographic and clinical variables in eyes of nondiabetics and diabetics group.

Nondiabetic patients ( = 17)Diabetic patients ( = 20) value

Age (±SD), yearsa55.2 ± 18.261.0 ± 9.90.230b
Ancestry, %0.858d
 European8 (47.1%)10 (50%)
 African9 (52.9%)10 (50%)
Gender, %0.769d
 Female 11 (64.7%)12 (60.0%)
 Male6 (35.3%)8 (40.0%)
VA, 0.06 ± 0.70.05 ± 0.080.590c
CCT, μm519.8 ± 18.2516.2 ± 18.20.568c

VA = visual acuity; CCT = central cornea thickness; SD = standard deviation.
aMean (±SD).
cWilcoxon rank-sum test.
dPearson chi-square test.