Research Article

Clinical Performance of Toris K Contact Lens in Patients with Moderate to Advanced Keratoconus: A Real Life Retrospective Analysis

Table 2

Demographic information of the population enrolled in the study.


Number of patients
 Females17 (42.5%)
 Males 23 (57.5%)
 (mean ± sd)27.3 ± 8.6
Number of eyes
 Bilateral20 patients
 Unilateral20 patients
Refractive error (D)
  (mean ± sd)−3.31 ± 3.62
  (mean ± sd)−3.94 ± 1.72
Keratometry (D)
  (mean ± sd)47.45 ± 3.56
  (mean ± sd)50.85 ± 3.89
  (mean ± sd)49.10 ± 3.66

D: diopter and sd: standard deviation.