Research Article

Corneal Biomechanics Determination in Healthy Myopic Subjects

Table 1

Corneal biomechanical characteristics in the study population ().

Mean ± SDRange

CRF (mmHg)5.82 to 13.89
CH (mmHg)6.85 to 13.24
IOPg (mmHg)5.90 to 20.20
IOPcc (mmHg)6.20 to 21.20
CCT (μm)488.0 to 610.0
Cornea curvature (mm)6.86 to 8.54

CH: cornea hysteresis, CRF: corneal resistance factor, IOPcc: cornea-compensated intraocular pressure, IOPg: Goldmann-correlated intraocular pressure, CCT: central corneal thickness, and SD: standard deviation.