Research Article

Memetic Algorithm with Local Search as Modified Swine Influenza Model-Based Optimization and Its Use in ECG Filtering

Table 2

Standard numerical benchmark functions (basic and CEC2005) used for experimental study [7, 29].

Function Names

Basic standard benchmark functions
FsphSphere model (NFFE = 150000)
Fs2.22Schwefel’s problem 2.22 (NFFE = 200000)
Fs1.2Schwefel’s problem 1.2 (NFFE = 500000)
Fs2.21Schwefel’s problem 2.21 (NFFE = 500000)
FrosGeneralized Rosenbrock’s function (NFFE = 500000)
FsteStep function (NFFE = 150000)
FquaQuartic function (i.e., noise) (NFFE = 300000)
Fs2.26Generalized Schwefel’s problem 2.26 (NFFE = 300000)
FrasGeneralized Rastrigin problem (NFFE = 300000)
FackAckley’s function (NFFE = 150000)
FgriGeneralized Griewanks function (NFFE = 300000)
Fpen1Generalized penalized function no. 1 (NFFE = 150000)
Fpen2Generalized penalized function no. 2 (NFFE = 150000)

CEC 2005 Standard benchmark function
F1Shifted sphere function
F2Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2
F3Shifted rotated high conditioned elliptic function
F4Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 with noise in fitness
F5Schwefel’s problem 2.6 with global optimum on bounds
F6Shifted Rosenbrock’s function
F7Shifted rotated Griewank’s function without bounds
F8Shifted rotated Ackley’s function with global optimum on bounds
F9Shifted Rastrigin’s function
F10Shifted rotated Rastrigin’s function
F11Shifted rotated weierstrass function
F12Schwefel’s problem 2.13
F13Expanded extended Griewank’s plus Rosenbrock’s function (F8F2)
F14Shifted rotated expanded Scaffer’s F6
F15Hybrid composition function
F16Rotated hybrid composition function
F17Rotated hybrid composition function with noise in fitness
F18Rotated hybrid composition function
F19Rotated hybrid composition function with a narrow basin for the global optimum
F20Rotated hybrid composition function with the global optimum on the bounds
F21Rotated hybrid composition function
F22Rotated hybrid composition function with high condition number matrix
F23Noncontinuous rotated hybrid composition function
F24Rotated hybrid composition function
F25Rotated hybrid composition function without bounds